ModernMiniHouses.blogspot.com »
The pictures on the right, are of posts that are waiting for you on the new blog. Here are a few of the reasons for the move:1. By sheer coincidence, I have published 33 posts each year since I started this blog. So #33 seemed like the right time sign off on Dream Dollhouses and move to something more representative of what I do.
2. "Mini Houses" sounds way more modern than "dollhouses". "Modern" pretty much encompasses Contemporary Modern, Retro Modern and Vintage Modern, whereas "Dream" could be just about anything.
3. If you tell people you collect "dream dollhouses" they usually say "hmm, that's nice" and end the conversation thinking you live alone with 30 cats. If you tell people you collect "Modern Mini Houses" they seem more interested and I've been surprised by how many people actually want to talk about Le Corbusier.
4. Eventually, I plan to sell modern miniature houses, so after mulling over domain names for the last year, ModernMiniHouses.com was the best fit that wasn't already taken in some form (sorry there's nothing there now, I just bought the domain, no hosting yet). I like the benefits of blogger so I'm moving this blog to have the matching name. When I'm not blogging, raising two kids and oh yeah working, I've been designing some plans inspired by the Case Study houses and some vintage German houses. Just plans, no prototypes yet. As soon as I have prototypes, they willl be on the new blog.
5. I know the name Modern Mini Houses is similar to MiniModern (who I idolize) but I feel it better captures what I want my blog to focus on (modern miniature houses). When I started this blog, there were so few blogs on modern minis, I intentionally left modern out of the name as I didn't want to copy her. But when I tell people about my blog, DreamDollhouse.blogspot.com, it just doesn't quite describe it right.
6. Modern Mini Houses - MMH - are also my initials in real life.
Things to come on the new blog... I'm working on a post all about scales with a cheat sheet buying guide to help you buy the right scale, plus many posts on where to buy modern minis, more houses old and new, and whatever else modern I can drum up.

Free Giveaway for Followers of New blog!
Dear 113 Followers,A. Wright, AF4564, Alafosca, Alison, Altera, amaya, Amber, Amy's Miniatures And Smalls, Ana Anselmo, Anama, *annina*, Anneke, aru, Ascension, BabbsBoutique, BarkingHill Studio, Beatriz, Brujita, callsmall, Carey, Carol, CasitaMini, Cathy, Chelle, Christina, Christine Ward, Cinnamon Sticks 46, Criscrisostomo, Cristiane Derizans, dales_dreams, Daphne Bassi, Dave Root, Debbie, diepuppenstubensammlerin, donald harvey, dora, Emily, Eva Krog, fayjk, fliss cockcroft, George the Miniguy, Glenda, Greenlupa, HannahFKW, insizlane, Jaie, Janice, jettatwix, Jolie, Josje, Kal Wallace, Karin, Kayjay, KLC, ✂♥ laura♥ ✂, LA CUBO, laprincesasarita, Lara, Lena, Lene Dee, LifeAdorned, Lisa Gerinder, Lize, lmdm65, Luli Alves, MAGF, Mags Cassidy, MAIJA, marivigano, Mary Williams, mberras, Meli Abellan, Mels Miniatures, MINILISA, Minilover, Minna, Missy, missyscott99, moetjatja, MONTSE, My Realitty, Myrealitty, Natalia, Natalie, neomig, Núria, Oese, Patricia Cabrera, PetitPlat Food Art, Pubdoll, Rebecca, Rosa (MiniC.), sandstock, Sans DD, Shelly S, Shriara Navarro, sinem yildirim, smidge girl, sonyait68, Studio SWS, studioseven, Susan, Susan Ghearing, sylvia, tarkus, The Lone Dollier, TINK, tinystuffs, ulla voijola, Victoria, Victoria Kleist, Violet, Zadie Xa,
I really appreciate all of you following this blog and I hope you will come with me to my new address. As a way to say thank you to everyone who follows me, I will have a surprise giveaway to one follower. Just sign up to Follow the new blog by Wednesday, May 26 8pm PST (my birthday) and your name will be automatically entered in the drawing.
ModernMiniHouses.blogspot.com »
Hope to see you there,
I wish you a great success in your new blog!!! I love modern dollhouse and was a pleasure to visit yours.
I will follow your new one.
Warm regards,
Hi Megan, congratulations on your new blog. I am a follower :-)
Good luck with the move, I subscribe to your blog via google reader...
I already joined your new blog , even before I read about your offer!
Good luck on your new way!
Hi, I'm going to follow your new blog too! I'm afraid you are leaving out a lot of your followers like me who get your blog through google, feedblitz and other servers! There are a lot more than 113! Just so you know!
Thanks for all of your lovely comments Meli, Lara, Caitlin and Neomig.
Caitlin - thanks for mentioning google reader subscribers
Heather- thank you so much for that information. I forgot about other subscribers as Blogger doesn't provide a list of those names (to my limited knowledge). I will add a note on the new site to leave a comment if you subscribe instead of follow. I'll make sure to add you and Caitlin to the giveaway raffle.
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