Aug 12, 2008

Life-Size Dollhouses

The next time you're in Saskatchewan you might want to track down this art installation. Canadian artist Heather Benning transformed an abandoned farmhouse into a life-sized dollhouse in 2006, located off of Highway 2 near Sinclair. I found this on If you want to see more pictures check out the before and after shots on Heather's My Space page.

"The worn exterior of the two-story structure was largely left untouched except for the replacement of one exterior wall with Plexiglass to provide a voyeuristic look into the home akin to a typical dollhouse. Benning has decorated the inside with furnishings from the 1960s, the decade in which the farmhouse was abandoned."

Maison de Poupée or Rock Da Dollhouse is a collaboration between Emmanuelle Antille et Jean-Luc Manz for the Art en Plein Air Môtiers 2007. The dollhouse is traveling around Switzerland hosting a variety of bands for concerts.

(All images from and

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