Dec 1, 2009

Just a simple box

This reminded me of The Condo from Mary's Dollhouse nook. If you want to save a lot of money on a house, these simple boxes do the trick.

This was made be a group of design students at Göteborg Universitet in Sweden.

"This is a comment to the childrens doll houses and dolls of today. More and more people live in apartments. Nuclear families isn’t the norm anymore. This has led to new family constellations. These doll apartment houses are made for a modern age. Gothenburg city museum, exhibition 2008 Group work: Annie Jönsson, Maria De Frumerie, Henrik Franklin, Rasmus Lindell, Danielah Bright"

(image from


  1. Great idea! I put Lundby extension floors on top of eachother, but since their all the same, I can't make it as interesting and nice as this!

  2. very cool and simple idea! one of my friends in the 70s, had wooden extensions like these (a bit more simple) to build a flexible dollshouse...

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  3. Hi. I would like to start in miniatures and had the idea of creating a high rise apartment building that would hang on the wall. I just saw this post and wondered if you can purchase pre-made rooms that can be put together to make a whole apartment building, or if this has to be done from scratch. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

  4. Pubdoll, you can make anything interesting!!

    Nicola, thanks I'll check out your blog!

    Room boxes can get pricey $30-40 a piece, which can add up for what you're looking to do. So it would be cheaper to build your own, but time consuming and difficult if you're carpentry skills are as non-existent as mine.

    I blogged about "The Condo" from Mary's Dollhouse Nook:

    Which may be similar to your idea. She used simple 1/4-inch foamcore sheet construction.

    If you are building, here is a great how to guide for using book board:

    Or you could try converting a bookcase.

    Good luck and please post pictures.

  5. Thank you. It's going to be a while before I can start. I'm just gathering ideas. Your post is very helpful. Thanks, again.

  6. Kimberly,
    Another thought... you may want to check out the dollar stores. I saw some plastic square storage boxes that could possibly be attached together. I'd look for 8-10" square cubes.

    Good luck!


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