Jan 8, 2010

More Steve Beebe

So Steve does sell directly to individuals. You can contact him through his website stevebeebe.com. The website is currently under construction, but will have new photos when completed.

Pictured are two pieces currently for sale on SP Miniatures. I could just eat the 1 1/4" x 1" Gingerbread castle. I like the shape of the 1:144 scale French Riviera market.

Steve's goal is to craft one-of-a-kind pieces and design unique ideas. A lot of his pieces have ben custom orders. He welcomes special requests. He is currently in the process of finding someone to take his work (either purchase or consignment) on the show scene and for shops interested in showing his work. If you have any leads drop him a line.

(images from SP Miniatures)


  1. Thanks for the info on him! Good to know he can do custom pieces. My dream is to have a 1:144 K House, but I think that could run $200 and that is not in the realm of the possible for me :( Will you work with him on anything?

  2. callsmall - I would love to work with Steve Beebe for a custom piece, but after the KH purchase last month my miniatures account has been frozen by my husband. Something about needing the money for the kids college fund. blah blah blah. Maybe next year.


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