Haus Mid Century is selling for $40, and has a tar and gravel roof top consistent with the 50's homes and walnut walls. This version took 4 hours to make.
(images from LBrandt's Etsy shop)
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Don't tell anyone I said this... but when I look at that I think "I could do that.." but the reality is a. It wouldn't look that good, b. I couldn't amass all the parts to do it and c. I never would actually get around to it. I think it's worth the price and really clever. CM
LOL!! CM - Ditto. I looked at it and said, jeesh, 4 hours, really? But then IF I had the materials, IF I could cut straight lines, and IF I could glue it together straight, it still probably wouldn't look as good and it would be 8 hours later. Yeah for $40 I think the price is right, but I'm still holding out for a Steve Beebe Frank Lloyd Wright. :)
Me he quedado con la boca abierta, es diminuto, muy bonito. Felicidades, seguro que lo vende rapido.
Estan preciosas, unas monadas.
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