So, yes, I bought my KHouse back in December and have posted on it, twice. Sorry! We currently live in a 2 bedroom and the only space we had for it was on top of our dresser. It seemed like a good idea at the time, except the baby is still in our room, and the only time I can work on it is when she's asleep. Well, my better half helped me lug it into the kitchen, and for the past two days it has enveloped half of our table. I don't know how long this will last, but brace yourself, the tour begins...

I've been dreaming of owning a Kaleidoscope House since I first spied it on Modern MC's blog
minimodern.blogspot.com back in
August 2007. Three Christmas's later, this gem made it under my tree. Here it is in its entirety spread out on our living room floor. Sadly, in transit one of the plastic corner panels broke, and the prongs that snap the frame together had broken off. The ebay seller kindly offered to fix it, but I opted for a quick trip to TAP Plastics for glue and assembled it the next day after the glue dried.

Here it is as a pile of plastic and two hours later after my husband helped me assemble it. I was really surprised with the quality and ease of assembly. Next stop, tour.
It's so cool to see these pics of it completely disassembled - thank you! And nice job putting it all together!
I'll add these to flickr as well. I thought it was kind of neat to see the out of the box before and after.
Hi there!! I'm from Bridgeport Multi Family Homes I love it, Is that a Kaleidoscope House doll house?
Hi buythebesthome,
Yes indeed this is a Kaleidoscope House.
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