Mar 16, 2010

Janine Rewell painted dollhouse

In one of my dream dollhouses I will have a black and white room, eventually. I stumbled across this painted room by Janine Rewell who is a Helsinki-based freelancing illustrator and graphic designer. I've had such a hard time finding wallpaper that I love, that I might just skip it and try paint, although it will probably not look as cool as this.

(image from


  1. OOOOOOOOO love it.Stencils? CM

  2. Great design to take inspiration from, But remember we as creative people don't copy as such, design your own fancy pad. You know you can.

  3. Hi, I was painting my guest bathroom Restoration Hardware slate grey and I thought it might be too dark. The room is small and the wood around the mirrors dark. Then I remembered your post! Now I am going to look for stencils to add a white design. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!! It might just be the solution to this design problem. CM

  4. CM - I love it!! Please post photos of your room when you're finished painting. You know we're all dying to see each others designs in 1:1. Good luck, hope it turns out great!


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