Mar 16, 2010

Steve Beebe's Minis

The amount of detail that goes into Steve Beebe's miniatures absolutely amazes me. He loves crafting these Lloyd Wright style houses in various forms. If you are interested in a version of this house, Steve has offered to craft you one for $95 (basically a wholesale price). It would include furnishings. You can request a house that has furniture glued into place, or a packet of loose furnishings. Contact Steve and mention you saw this offer on this blog; his email is on his website

Steve also does custom order work and has dozens of ideas for modern miniatures but hasn't crafted them yet because he hasn't found a way to reach the buyers. He loves to craft anything from the Frank LLoyd Wright style to Mid Century and current modern. Not to mention pop-cultural 60's and 70's. He currently has a model of Aristotle Onassis' yacht that's sized to fit one inch (or half inch) rooms. But the buyer would have to either like various boats or just happen to have a 60's era room that could use a conversation piece. He'd like to craft more modern yacht models to fit doll houses.

These two miniature model railroads are crafted in the style of a theme park are truly impressive. I think I would go blind trying to build these myself.

Steve is always looking to craft more FLW in 1/144 and micro sizes. As well as other modern house designs. Another idea is modern architectural models for dollhouse rooms. And 60's and 70's shadow boxes sized to fit in one inch dollhouse rooms.

Please keep the photos coming Steve, I love to see (and share) your work.

(all images courtesy of Steve Beebe's)


  1. Love your work. Life ebbs and flows.Looking forward to more. CM

  2. Wow - amazing work. Have you bought anything yet? I hope to work with him some day. Thank you for sharing this update, and for keeping him accessible to us! :)

  3. I am dying to get one of his Frank Lloyd Wright houses, but my miniatures budget has been frozen until I finish building the two houses in the garage, so I'll have a place to put them. What's the logic in that, isn't a garage supposed to be filled with boxes anyway? Thanks! :)


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